
Product Features

智能化设计2 实时检测2 统一管理2 定制方案2 平台技术2 续航持久2
  • 智能化设计2

  • 实时检测2

  • 统一管理2

  • 定制方案2

  • 平台技术2

  • 续航持久2

1、can detect particles from 10nm to 2.5um;

2、can measure both the quantity and quality of particulate matter;

3、The fastest responsive particle sensor to ensure real-time measurement;

4、No need to dilute sampling;

5、Wide dynamic measurement range;

6、Continuous real-time monitoring

7、Measuring range :1000 ~ 5000000#/cm3

8、Communication: 4G/5G Internet of Things communication, directly transfer data to the cloud server, mobile PC terminal real-time view

9、Response time: < 5s Time resolution :1s Accuracy: ≤±20%

The sensor has a corona charger in the Faraday cup where the particles are charged and pushed by a jet thinner inside the sensor. The fresh, clean air is ionized by a high voltage discharge of about 2 kV generated by the platinum corona needle. Positive ions are pushed through the injector throat, where the negative pressure generated is used to suction the sample gas containing particles. The jet pump produces a constant flow through the sensor, which is not affected by the flow change in the exhaust pipe. After the injection pump, turbulent mixing ensures optimal contact between ions, particles and a certain number of ion deposits on the particle surface. Free cations (which are not deposited on the particle surface are removed from the sample gas by a positive trapping voltage from the central electrode, and the resulting electric field pushes the free ions towards the sensor wall, where only the ionized particles leave the sensor. The electrometer in the sensor measures the difference between the current of the Faraday cup before charging (at the entrance) and after charging (at the exit), which is proportional to the mass and quantity concentration of particles in the exhaust gas

PEMS vehicle application;

Study on DPF particle capture efficiency of diesel vehicles;

Flue gas particulate emission testing;

Engine bench particulate test;

Ambient air ultra-low emission particulate matter monitoring